
MarksNelson is one of Kansas City's largest, privately-held CPA firms. Their website had very low Google Page Speed Scores that were hurting their Search Engine Page Rankings and User Conversion Rates. They had previously outsourced their Sitefinity CMS integration to a 3rd party and it was a disaster.  

My role was to completely gut and rebuild their website while making minimal design changes.  I optimized their website and took their Google Page Speed Scores for mobile from 1 (yes, one!) to 60 and desktop from 46 to 97. 

I fixed several usability issues and site architecture using Sitefinity best-practices. I also performed organic search engine optimization (SEO) by using semantic HTML markup, long-tail title tags and meta descriptions. 

The site is now 1000% easier to maintain and loads so much faster than before. 

What we've done

  • Sitefinity CMS Integration
  • Mobile-First Responsive Design
  • Page-Speed Optimization

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